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Infant and Child Massage

"Phatom Chinda", Traditional Thai Medical scripture, mentions that the human fetus is setting up by the combination and fertilization of the healthy parents who have the well balance of the four body elements.


The fetus will grow up in the uterus for 10 months. When the time is up and the good auspicious time arrives, there will be a wind name "Gumma-cha wata" blow in the mother's abdomen to turn the head of fetus down, the uterus will contract to push the baby move to outside world through the birth canal.


The obsterician and midwife nurse will take care of this delivery. Then newborn child will be cleaned, bathed and other nursing cared until safe. The nurse will carry the baby to receive the warm embracing and breast-feeding from mother.


The lovely touch and close relationship between mother and child are the most valuable welcoming for the new baby. These experiences will assure that the child will grow up without psychological and emotional problems.


In present day, some children are premature or born by Caesarean section, which are teh technological birth or fast-birth babies. These babies miss out the warm and naturally touch of the birth canal and have to live alone in incubators for special care, until the baby is safe and secure, the nurse will carry the baby to the mother for embracing.


The baby massage is the good chain of love to bond the close relationship between mother, father and child. Baby massage is helpful in making a warm feeling and happiness for a baby and also creates the self - confidence to approach people in social.


The scripture has one herbal formula to calm down the baby from anxiety and finicky. By using a mixture of ground Zedoary rhizome power (Curcuma zedoaria, Rosc) and Ringworm bush flower (Anthaphyllum glaucum, Wall), apply the mixture to coat on the baby's skin like baby powder. The scripture also explains that there are 7 major developing steps for baby in changing the body's structure. The baby may nauseate, vomit and have fever in every step. 


The reason is that his muscles, tendons, bones, joints and internal organs are expanding and extending for the body movement during growing up.



The 7 steps of physical development are:


1. Begin to raise the head up, because the baby tries to use the tendon of the neck to set the head up.

2. Begin to turn over, because the muscles have to expand for this movement.

3. Begin to crawl, because the baby tries to push the body up, and using hips and knees to crawl.

4. Begin to sit, because the spinal bone is bending

5. Teething up, because teh gum might be torn and infected.

6. Begin to staning up, because the baby will often fall down that effect to the internal organs.

7. Begin to walk, because the bones and tendons try to move.


Knowing about the nature of baby, massage will able to support the developing behavior with the good mental, emotion and spirit. Accordingly, we apply the knowledge of Traditional Thai medical scripture, Thai lifestyle, baby care method and Traditional Thai massage to be Thai massage for infant and baby.


This massage will be a lovely touch, share the love of parents and child, as well as to support the good physical and mental health development for the children.




1. Consult the pediatrician to know the physical and body structure status or the limitation of the massage scope.

2. If the massager does not have a close relationship with a baby, he/she should pursue a friendly apporach to make familiar with the baby before give masssage, for example: to play, to tease, to sing, to touch and carry the baby till familiar.

3. Massager should do by purpose and good intention, do not give massage as the duty.

4. The massage room should be warm (not to hot and too cold) with good environment. Cause a baby is naked, a spare blanket and tower should be prepared for ready to use.

5. If the massage uses baby power or baby oil, it should be the same brand and product that the baby uses to prevent the irritation and allergy.

6. Massage with light pressure stroke, soft and smooth. Moving the baby's legs and arms with care

7. Stop massage when baby cries. Do massage when baby feels to be comfort.

8. Rub the hands with baby power or baby oil to coat the massage's hand in preventing the friction during massage. Oil and powder will make the baby feel slippery and comfortable.

9. Father can also massage to create a good relationship with his baby.




1. Do not give massage when baby feels uncomfortable

2. Massage with concentrated mind, and do softly and smoothly.

3. Do not massage when the baby has just finished his meal/

4. Do not massage when the baby has open wound or swollen area

5. Do not massage whtn the baby has fever. Can do only rub around the low back, waist and buttock to reduce the body temperature

6. Do not massage the baby under 4 weeks of age.

7. Do not massage the crown head (fontabel) of the baby under 2 years old


HERB and OIL remedies for baby massage


1. Thai traditional herbs

1.1 Use grind powder of Ringworm bush with Zedoary rhizome to coat on baby's skin for reducing anxiety and help baby to clam down

1.2 Pound 2-3 red onions, mix with diluted alcohol (Rum and white spirit) and then put on the crown head of a baby for relieving cold and running nose.

1.3 In case of skin rash and allergy, pound 2013 leaves of betel peper, mix with diluted alcohol, then apply on the rash area.

1.4 Holy basil leaf tea is a good carminative for relieving indigestion and stomach upset.


Advantages of baby massage


1. Baby feels warm when recives the lovely touch from massage

2. Massage will stimulate the nervous system, and support the development of body, mind and spirit

3. Massge will be effective on digestive system, the absorption is also better which make baby growing well.

4. Prevent the costipation

5. Reduce anxiety and stress, make baby calm down.

6. Massge will stimulate the respiratory system. Reduce the coughs, hiccup and nausea problems

7. Stimulate the growing of the muscular system and prevent malformation.

8. The baby will be fresh up

9/ Reduce baby's urination problem in the bed.



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